29th World Congress on Medical Law
Istanbul - TURKEY
6 - 8 August 2025
Prof. Berna ARDA (Ankara University, TURKEY)
Main Topics
1- Vulnerability: respect and protection
Defining vulnerability
Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants
Affirmative policies for vulnerable
Prioritizing among vulnerable groups
Informed consent process in vulnerable
Research in vulnerable groups
Social policies
Health law and vulnerable groups
Social justice and vulnerability
2-Gender issues
Health disparities
Affirmative policies in health
Elderly women and social inequalities
Research in pregnant women
Teenage pregnancy
Cultural and religious barriers for women’s’ health
LGBTQ barriers to health/ inequalities in health
Communicable diseases& STDs
Psychological disorders
Social exclusion
Social determinants of health
Health law
Refugees and LGBTQ
Health inequalities
Barriers to health services
Discrimination in health institutions
Anti discriminatory policies
3- Patient safety
Patient safety in NICU / long term care facilities for elderly/ Intensive care units
Accreditation of health institutions
Economic and legal implications
Health law on patient safety
Effect of communication barriers to patient safety
Health policies and patient safety
Patient safety in primary health care
Health technology and patient safety
Gene therapy/ genetic research and patient safety
EWRS (early warning and response systems) and patient safety
New emerging pandemics and patient safety
4- Human rights in medicine and law
Defining human right violations in medical services
Public health and human rights
Anti discrimination and health law
Anti stigmatization and health law
Human rights in mental illness
How to uncover human rights violations in health institutions
Genetic screening and human rights
Health insurance and human rights
Data protection /data confidentiality and human rights
Heath data as a risk for discrimination